People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants.
But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.
― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
Poetry - Introduction
These poems mainly represent my early years of being a Christian. They cover some of the ground God covered with me, as He worked His peace into me. My hope is that they may further strengthen others.
Also included are a couple of other files. 'Poetry as Touching' is a personal statement I wrote about the nature of poetry as an introduction to a college poetry booklet. 'Victim' is a more recent poem reflecting Christ's victory and our calling.
Please feel free to use the poems any way you see fit. May all be done to the glory of God. I would appreciate any constructive criticisms you may have.
God bless and thank you.
Power Shower
God is love,
In Him there is no shadow of turning,
He meets all of our yearning,
With learning and power,
Immersed in a holy shower;
Cleansing us,
Setting us apart,
To live from the heart,
According to His will, good pleasure & abundant treasure;
Never to loose,
Always to gain,
That which He claims
Will glorify His name,
Lifting us out of what's vain,
Playing no games,
Living the same life of love,
As Jesus did,
When He first came.
Glory Bound
Where are you hurting,
What is your pain,
Does it come from glorifying His name?
Have you set yourself apart,
For all your desires to be from His heart?
Why are you cringing My child,
You are very special to Me-
Trust Me My child-
I only allow that which is for your good,
Causing you to dwell in eternity.
Live the Sabbath,
Be at rest,
Stop striving,
Come to Me instead,
I have an abundance of Bread.
Are you glad for the opportunities
To do ALL to the glory of God?
Do you look forward to the day with expectancy?
Or is it grieving you constantly?
Move aside;
Something bigger is coming through.
Rejoice in it,
Desire to do all that you do,
For you know the Divine Nature,
The Glory of God,
Is created in you.
Captivating Beauty
My beauty, My beauty, it truly does abound,
It surrounds you, and fills you, and lifts you off the ground,
If you see it, do feel it, do truly, truly believe it;
It will heal you, and seal you,
If you really seek to dwell in it.
Oh, love Me My children,
Seek after Me,
Draw near to Me,
Receive My heart in you,
So you can see, and bleed,
And see healing flow true.
Seek My child, seek.
For life must be desired earnestly,
To be lived fully,
To love dynamically,
To move powerfully.
Seek My child, seek.
Seek earnestly, diligently, seek.
Seek My child, seek.
Seek Me and you shall find Me.
Seek My child, seek.
Beauty Small & Great
Water stream,
Drops over the edge,
Flows into space.
Slowly separates -
A sheet of waves in droplets,
Breaking, reshaping, regrouping,
It rapidly plunges into the lake.
The awe,
The beauty of dynamic life,
Is overwhelming.
Flee-flowing vitality,
For a short time,
And crash-
Stored energy,
Desire brought forth,
Joy unspeakable,
Struggles released,
Battles ended,
Barriers collapsed,
Love's power made known,
New things accomplished.
Situations transcended,
Fades back into the lake of life,
Riding down the river,
Gliding and slithering here and there,
Having some influence,
Till the next waterfall.
Christ in the Cradle
(Written to the tune of Harry Chapin's, Cat's in the Cradle)
A child was born just the other day,
It came to the world in an unusual way,
But there were people to meet
And souls to save-
I just couldn't tear myself away.
And before I knew it the child was sick,
As I said, "I'm busy for you Dad,
You know I'm only working for You."
And Christ is in the cradle
And the moon don't shine,
A cripple for whom nobody wants to waste time;
"When ya gonna kneel and cry My son?"
"You know I'm working for You Dad,
You know I'm only working for You."
Time went on & the child did die,
I was reading a book the night it sighed.
I got knowledge,
It got death,
All for the price of pride,
You know the price is death inside.
The price is really death inside.
And Christ is in the cradle
And the moon don't shine,
A cripple for whom nobody wants to waste time;
"When ya gonna kneel and cry My son?"
"You know I'm working for You Dad,
You know I'm only working for You."
Years go by and I slow down,
You know, your feet will someday touch ground.
You move on over to the slow lane side,
Your heart does break-
There's no love inside.
And you sadly say, "What a price to pay,"
As you see yourself the cripple inside,
You know the price is really death inside.
And Christ is in the cradle
And the moon don't shine,
A cripple for whom nobody wants to waste time;
"When ya gonna kneel and cry My son?"
"You know I'm working for You Dad,
You know I'm only working for You."
You sit, wonder & get sick inside,
About when you thought you were flying so high;
You let out a scream,
You do cry,
But nobody hears - Its church inside;
They're all playing games inside,
They're really playing games inside.
And Christ is in the cradle
And the moon don't shine,
A cripple for whom nobody wants to waste time;
"When ya gonna kneel and cry My son?"
"You know I'm working for You Dad,
You know I'm only working for You."
Before you know it you do die;
And God wonders,
"Was there any life inside?"
He lets out a sob and does cry,
"Was this truly a disciple of Mine?
You know its been such a long, long time.
It's been such a very long time."
And Christ is in the cradle
And the moon don't shine,
A cripple for whom nobody wants to waste time;
"When ya gonna kneel and cry My son?"
"You know I'm working for You Dad,
You know I'm only working for You."
Go Ahead
Go ahead,
My child,
Give it another try,
Don't runaway and hide,
Don't shrivel up and cry,
Don't refuse to look Me straight in the eye;
Just give it another try.
Forget your failure,
I have.
There is nothing to fear,
Forget how you appear,
Who, but I, sees clear?
I am your Father,
I am your guide,
There need not be reason for pain to reside.
Just give it another try.
Forget your human rights,
What looks good only by sight.
Allow Me to teach you what is real,
Then you will know how to feel,
So the abundant life will always be your seal.
Go ahead,
My child,
Give it another try,
So give it, give it another try.
Give Me, give Me another try.
To You, the Gifted One
To you, the gifted one,
I have for you,
A Son.
Blessed above others,
Gifted in many ways,
He's for you,
My son.
He knows your pain,
He feels your hurt;
And yet;
He chose to live again.
He's a remarkable Son indeed,
Yet, people only made His heart bleed.
Still, He chose to go on to Calvary.
He rose above it all,
Drawing His strength, comfort & wisdom from Me;
Finding He could stand tall & free,
No matter what was the enemy.
That is why, My child;
I send Him to you.
To walk with you,
And talk with you-
To be strength to you,
Because, He knows how to.
Give Him the chance,
He'll show you that His peace with Me,
Was meant to dwell in thee.
Pride's Mirage
And pride grew strong across the page,
Letter by letter,
Stroke after stroke,
It grew bolder, more exalted, inflated,
Until its presence was evident to all who read;
And then,
The pen ran dry.
The author cried-
He pushed, pressed and scribbled
To no avail;
The letters died.
The noble pen lay still,
Upon the iridescent page;
Sobs rose,
Growing, reverberating;
Room filled,
As the author's humbled heart tore.
The Master refilled the straight pen,
As the hallelujah's rose thru the atmosphere;
The author began anew,
Writing gracefully the one thing He always found true:
That all pride is vain,
All glory should joyously go,
To the One for whom,
Holiness is His middle Name.
And if it wasn't true,
That all I know is how to be a fool,
Where would stand the proof,
That all wisdom is found only in You?
Sit with Me,
And learn to see,
That your heart may bleed,
As you cry out for my Body's needs.
Love Must Be Tough
With the dawning of a new day
Cries forth a new way:
"Love one another, as I have loved you."
Nothing mystical,
Not super holy,
Lacking religiosity;
Just very earthy,
In a supernatural way.
"Do you care as I care?", He asks.
"Will you put yourself aside,
Every moment I call you,
To let others inside?"
Not just in words,
Nor just in deeds,
But in a heart that bleeds
When it sees a crippling pain
Emerge out of what's vain?
Will you care,
As I care,
Crying out to God,
Begging Him to share,
That this person
Be made whole?
Though the cost of love
Says lay down your life again & again,
So another can be set free,
From the trap of human tragedy?
Will you care as I care,
So that others may have,
The beauty of life that I have given thee?
Don't you see,
There are no matters of consequence,
Bigger than these?
Inside Planet Earth
So little of substance upon the earth,
It lies crying and beckoning,
At every hand.
Yet, we choose to fight and struggle,
Wrestling the temporary,
The meaningless life in the land.
For the inconsequential we're willing to divide & conquer the earth;
While it yearns,
Seeking men to patiently learn,
To mine the rarest gold-
The invisible substance,
The community of truth;
Where God dwells.
Digging wells of living waters,
Plowing fields of righteousness,
Bringing forth the oil, wine & corn of God,
To gladden man's heart,
Comfort his head,
And fill his belly,
As we tear down the walls of destruction,
Rooting out the foundations of confusion,
To make straight paths of judgement,
With hedges of holiness roundabout,
The houses,
Where man learns to dwell with God,
Restoring planet earth,
If people want substance…
Only if.
God's Idea
I am God's idea.
Not the result of blind chance,
Not even my mother's or my father's idea;
But God's;
The Creator of all good things,
The One who has made life to grow & blossom,
Into something beautiful,
Something different, something unique;
Something called His special handiwork.
I'm not even my own idea-
I can't control & direct life,
I lack real vision of how things work,
I can't even shape myself.
But God has chosen me,
And is shaping me;
As this day's weather is different from the last,
So is this day unique,
Unlike any other-
With its own special thrust,
Seeking all that God has purposed to create in me,
Revealing His beauty majestically.
I like Your idea Lord,
Its better than anything I could have come up with on my own.
May this day be more of Your idea fulfilled in me;
I choose to be Your idea.
An Old Man's Thoughts
Stands over me,
Emphatically staring down at me,
The master of all my eternity.
Once I served it well;
Planning, scheming, dreaming-
Working and struggling,
And sometimes succeeding;
Trying to both steal and to kill time.
Now I sit still,
For an ageless eternity,
As Time takes back its' self from me.
Serving time with my thoughts;
Reflecting on all the tough times,
The few really good times,
Regretting my blindness most of the time.
So often I was sure,
No use telling me,
I knew what it was all about.
Many times, just blind,
Avoiding the painfully empty me.
Oh, how I wish I could change those times,
So God would have mattered,
Faith could have moved me to live,
The Spirit and the Word would have filled me;
Instead of hiding, slowly dying.
For now I see,
What I never saw before:
An empty me, dead forever more.
God, What can I do?
My time has not been lived unto You.
My body doesn't work too well,
What do I have to offer You?
These long years of experience,
Have given me some perspective,
Things people need to know,
Things that would save many from tears.
May my time, my days,
Short and few as the remainder be,
Be used unto Thee, Lord God.
Open doors of opportunity,
To share the little bit I've received from Thee,
To benefit humanity.
Small as I be,
Use me to establish Your glory.
Yes, It Matters
Yes, it matters.
It matters what you believe,
What you think,
What you feel.
It matters what goes on inside;
It matters if you're real.
Is there a predetermined coldness,
To follow a certain path,
Or, a thriving peace,
From meeting each task,
With holy boldness?
Is openness your goal,
Or that of being cleverly closed?
Do you look for light,
So as to continuously choose
The path of life?
Or, do you expect darkness,
Arranging your daily tasks,
To be on the least painful path?
Yes, it does matter.
What you really want out of life
Determines what you'll get.
Whose strength you live by,
Creates the life you'll have.
Whatever rules you follow,
No matter how they're named,
Declares the nature of your game.
Yes, it does matter,
For you're totally responsible for yourself,
Nobody else.
God won't impose what's right on you,
Though He will challenge you to.
You can be as in tune with reality
As you're willing to,
The choice is up to you.
Yes, it does matter what you believe,
And if you practice what you see.
The Truth will set you free,
So you can be in the flow of life abundantly.
Obey the truth,
Through the Spirit,
Unto love from a pure heart fervently.
When it matters to you
What is the nature of God
And how He is working & moving this very day;
When it matters to you
That brothers & sisters are loosing the battle,
Entering bondage,
Even turning away;
When it matters to you,
That acquaintances & friends are missing life,
Opening up to Satan's ways;
When it matters enough for you to seek God
Until you find where to stand on their behalf,
When it matters enough for you
To let God add to you
So you can meet people's life needs,
When it matters enough for you to receive with meekness
The engrafted Word,
Day by day renewed;
When it matters enough for you to take life seriously,
As something with workable solutions,
Displacing fear clearly;
Then you will love,
And know love,
And experience the power of love.
Wedding Bell Blues
Wedding bell blues,
We've made it at last;
We thought forever
Would never come this fast.
Why so uneasy,
My stomach in knots,
I should be happy,
Secure I'm not.
I search out the future
I remember the past,
That's why uneasy,
How long can it last?
Good times and laughter,
Where ours forever more,
But, with the words softly spoken,
We walk through the door.
On the other side
Who knows what lies,
Waiting to snatch heart,
Striving to make love come apart?
The mistakes I've watched;
Some of the things I dread,
I'll probably do;
Some of the beautiful things I expect,
Will happen too.
Lord Jesus,
Help me,
Grow me,
To fill the shoes of a mate that's true,
As one who always looks to You;
Knowing Your way is purity,
In becoming a lover,
A comforter,
A helper,
A real close friend.
As You have been with me,
May I freely serve my mate abundantly.
The Body's Purpose
With the Law of God in her heart,
And the Spirit of Living Waters in her belly,
Jesus Christ reigns supreme.
Moving about in the light,
As one Body in the Lord,
One Spirit of two,
And one baptism that's true,
She works what is right,
Fighting the kosher fight,
To bring forth the glorious light,
That many may see,
Know and believe,
That Jesus is the Christ,
The only one that can set people free.
It is Easier
It is easier to work
Than to have free time.
It is easier to do
Than to think.
It is easier to be preoccupied
Than to look, hear & feel the freedom,
And the burden,
Of life.
It is easier to move fast,
Than to live in the normal flow.
It is easier to suffer,
Than to obey.
It is easier to write people off,
Than to love them.
Yes, It is easier to pretend
Right is impossible,
Than to actively seek God for the Way.
Yes, It is easier, easier, easier;-
Its not right;
Nor is it truth.
If easier is inside you,
Jesus Christ is not.
When You've Done All Stand
Ephesians 6:13
When you've done all stand!
That is God's command,
Follow it -
It's His plan.
He has purposed
That you would find reality,
Test its strength,
Measure its sanity,
Gain confidence in its' applicability.
Then, having done all, stand.
He's prepared you for this day,
He's purposed your sureness,
Desired your firmness;
Go ahead - stand!
As a good soldier,
Fully prepared and equipped,
Fight the good fight,
Faithful until the end.
Take your vision,
LIVE it,
PREPARED for the attack.
People will disagree,
This will always be.
Not everyone wants the light of Christ to effect their lives,
But God does.
Choose you this day,
Who you will obey-
God or man?
Having done all - stand!
Your life was bought,
What was it for?
Sit down & pray.
Not, bless me today,
But, I'm Yours for evermore.
My life was bought,
What was it for?
Lead me & guide me,
Through your special doors;
I want to be fully Yours!
Where are we going,
What is Your call,
How have You purposed for me,
To give You my all?
I see the hearts of people,
Who want real life.
I hear the words of others,
Begging for the light.
What must I do,
To bring them to You?
How must I lay down my life,
To bring them to truth?
Jacob's Limp
Surrounded by His Promises,
Walking in His Love,
Struggling to survive,
With help from above.
Returning to the land,
That comes from God's own hand,
I get fearful at the threshold,
Wrestling for security over sand.
I need Your help Lord,
I'm hurting & scared.
Danger awaits me there,
How will I faire?
What is my life?
What have I done?
What lies ahead?
I'm completely undone.
The wrestling is strong,
The night is long,
Bless me now,
I won't let go;
Tell me Your name,
That I would be whole.
Instead, You reach down,
Touch me where it hurts.
"Your name shall be Israel,
One who rules as God.
For you wrestled with Me,
Not letting go,
Until you could see."
The darkness lifts,
The light dawns,
I lift myself wearily,
Limping on.
The pain is there,
It hurts for now,
It slows me down,
I've lost my power.
Onward I go,
Across the river,
Facing danger,
Knowing God's power;
Who allows wounds,
To heal pains,
And brings us forth,
To walk in His name.
Facing my fears,
I find God's blessing there.
Deeper into His promises,
Walking in His love,
Learning to live,
As one from above.
I dwell at Succoth,
Tabernacling with God;
Purchase land,
Build an altar,
Sacrifice my hands.
My limp persists,
But I desist,
I no longer resist,
I come to Feast in my God's love.
Love's Depth
Love knows not its own depth, until the hour of separation.
True love is
Placing the welfare & happiness of others above your own,
Having no other desire but to fulfill itself.
Not until the hour of separation does one know
How much he wants to please,
To care for,
To comfort,
To give of himself totally;
When he needs to,
But he can't,
For his lover is no longer there;
His love,
Is denied,
It's very nature;
And that is when its depth is truly known.
Let it Be
"God, what should I do with my life?"
"Help others," He said to me.
"How," I prayed.
"Think about it," He said.
"How about going into politics,
Being a major figure in social reform?"
"That's needed," He said,
"But what's wrong with politics?"
"It’s a power game of selfish interest & money."
"That's true,"
He said,
"But there is something else too.
Masses of people always decay
To the worst social way.
That's a historical fact
That couldn't be any more exact.
Just let the world be,
Follow ME.
You can't establish anything permanently,
Man always runs away from good vehemently.
All that you should do,
Is to teach others the Way,
So that they may teach mankind,
When My Kingdom comes."
This I dedicated my life to.
Freely Giving
People often say:
I would give,
But only to the deserving."
This is not the way of the stream,
Which gives all of its water to whoever drinks.
This is not the attitude of plants,
Giving their fruit to whoever wants.
They give to live;
If they withheld they would die.
This isn't the way of God,
Who says, "Give to him that asks you."
Why should you divide?
Are you intelligent enough to know
Who is deserving and who is not?
Who are you,
Oh limited, ignorant man,
That others should bare their hearts?
Would you judge a man's life?
Would you say your own is perfect?
See first that you deserve to be a giver,
An instrument of giving.
For giving is the manifestation of love,
Which you can't direct the course of;
For love,
If it finds you worthy,
Directs your course.
Heavenly Deception
There is so much Lord,
That is claimed in Your name,
For which we are ashamed.
Truth whispered from ear to ear;
Prized, hidden, cloaked,
Disguised from the world;
For we are one of the chosen few,
Initiates into the mysteries of time,
And the world laughs at us.
The works of man feel soo good-
Discipline, love, acceptance,
Unity in uniformity,
Common belief,
With no grief, no pain-
We’re anesthetized,
So we believe everyone else is insane
Living in vain,
While we're mindless -
Drugged out, washed out,
Unable to know our feelings & doubts,
Because we know Truth,
We're in the Family,
We're his 'children'
And must express the reality thereof;
Perfectly loyal, without fear, doubt,
Or equivocation.
Just claim emancipation,
As we sink deeper,
And deeper,
Thru mere participation,
Into mindless submission,
Performing the deception,
Ordained of god,
To advance the Work,
Amongst all these clods.
Heavenly Deception -
In the name of Truth.
We sit back,
Having it all pat,
Swallowing Satan's con:
Surface religion.
Tired of his standard brands,
We searched for truth, peace & love.
He offered us suitable facsimiles,
(Empty & hollow,
The only level deception survives at)
Just prior to our reality confrontation;
Plucked out of the rat race,
Placed into Satan's deceptive grace.
But then the moment comes,
The true moment of truth,
When we see
From the simple gut level values of our conscious,
That what the group speaks,
To its members
And the world,
Don't match.
The moment of confrontation -
When we find politics preempts truth.
"God, what do I do?
This group teaches the truth,
The fruits are good,
But God,
This is hypocrisy,
Help me Lord!
I want to believe!
I want to belong!
I want to serve You,
I want to do what is right!
Help me God,
Show me how to reconcile the two,
Maybe this…
Or maybe that…
But it doesn't fit!
It just doesn't fit.
Lord, why aren't you answering me?
Can You?
Maybe they don't reconcile -
But they've got to -
What they preach and write is so true -
I've put so much into this organization -
They can't be hypocrites,
Can they?…
Why not?
Why do they have to be different from other men?
Why can't money, power & fame
Get to them,
Making religion one big sham?
Help me!!!
I don't want to think these thoughts,
I don't want to believe this to be true,
I want to believe in You,
I want to do Your work,
And they're doing it.
Help me!!
I can't figure this out!
Its driving me mad!
Help me!!!
Then more information came pouring in,
Confusing me more,
Friends desperately bombarding me with questions and facts;
The dilemma worsens;
I can't hold on,
But I must,
They are God's chosen,
The true church,
The only way to eternal life.
"I just want peace Lord,
I don't want anything new in my life;
I just want to sit home.
Leave me alone everyone,
I'm busy hanging on to the truth;
Please, don't change anything in my world,
I'm just barely in it now.
Oh Lord, I can't wait till the day I die'
Thoughtless death,
Sweet death,
Please come to me."
But it didn't.
Instead, You sent a message,
You reminded me of our first meeting,
How You convicted me to search for the Truth,
Showed me to judge honestly.
Thank You Lord,
For renewing my faith in You to see me through.
Be with me as I study YOUR Word,
Let me not take sides,
Nor make artificial standards to measure by,
But seek the Truth,
Which shall make me free;
If I am free
I am free totally.
There is so much Lord,
That's destroying people in these cults;
Use me to help them,
To help pluck them out of the fire somehow,
As You have plucked me,
Saved me from deception's misery.
Come Lord Jesus,
To save us all from ourselves.
A Canticle For the Church
Sunshine reflected,
Loveshine so bright;
I look at you so bright,
So clear, so consistent, so full, so complete,
So dear.
Glow on white-bright moon,
Glow on,
The Son is coming soon.
Do your job,
Light the world thru its night,
In darkness,
Void, empty, engulfing darkness,
Trapping humanity in its defenselessness,
Its helplessness; its anguish.
Shine on,
Let the world see God's light,
Let them know,
The Son can rescue them from their plight.
Let your sober face convict their hearts;
Let your zeal pierce thru the pain.
Fill them with awe and conviction that imparts;
May they be born again.
Shine on, oh moon.
Deep, deep into the night,
When all the lights are off,
All is still and silent,
With sleep nestling the land,
The natural drug,
Completing the work of the unnatural ones,
Except for some,
Whose struggle goes on;
Shine on them, oh moon,
For they are awake to see,
And need to see,
They will believe what they see -
In your warm glowing light.
Many are hurting, oh moon,
Staggering from party to party,
Forgetting their emptiness, loneliness & pain,
In being totally stupid,
For now,
With others of their fellowship,
Whose like-minded unity,
Will forget much of the night before,
As they crawl across the floor,
Looking for the door,
As they come to life again;
Death's revenge.
Let your shine, oh moon,
Show them the Door,
Let them know that there is more to the night
Than darkness and fright.
Be with them, oh moon,
Shine on them,
Let them see your shine throughout the night;
Allow your progression across the darkness
To remind them of the dawn of true light,
Power-filled light,
Blazing light,
Light demanding life upon the earth.
Shine, oh moon,
Let them see your reflection of the Son's glory,
As it follows right behind you,
Right around the bend.
Shine on, oh moon,
Let your call go out fully,
Perfectly circling earth's misery constantly;
Be not weary,
Shine on, oh moon, shine on.
Life Poem
Write a poem,
Sing a song,
Make it last all day long.
Let it be,
Truly free,
Expressing reality.
Let it flow,
Let it grow,
As down life's path you go.
Let it show,
What you know,
About how to go,
The way of gold.
Be bold,
Trust life,
Seek answers honestly,
Humbly, wisely, open-mindedly;
Your poetic song will grow,
Change, be rearranged,
Until joy flows continuously,
Quite naturally,
From you to me,
In full honesty.
Sun Song
Sunshine, loveshine, oh so, so bright,
You truly are dynamite!
Glare thru the dark daytime night,
Reveal all sin,
Cut short all strife;
Love tenderly all that is right.
Reveal Your law,
Expose our flaw,
Burn our eyes,
Cut thru our unbelief.
Bring warm, flowing relief,
Melt away all grief,
Overflow our cup,
From which we must sup,
Of joy,
Sweet, pure, smooth, buttery, contagious,
Downright-honest overflowing joy;
In being at peace,
With the God of love,
And all from above;
Universal brotherhood,
Goodness in all,
What a call! What a call!
Your light so bright,
Keeping away the night.
Shine on until its all right,
Keep shining until all is light,
Shine on, oh son,
Shine on.
Shine on, oh son,
Shine on.
Being Purified
So that you may grow,
Until its Me you truly know.
Suffer so you may see
Your strength is excessively weak,
And really only causes you to weep,
When you suffer & see it honestly.
Suffer so you will forsake your own strength -
Only ABIDE in Me continuously.
For I suffered too,
Putting My self to death,
Becoming truly meek & humble,
Allowing God's Spirit to reign,
Water My life,
Instructing Me how to give abundantly,
As a truly free being.
Accept your suffering,
Rejoice in it,
It's a gift from Me to you.
Take it,
There's something beautiful inside.
Go ahead open the ribbon,
Admire its grace,
Rip thru the attractive wrapping;
Remove its cover & you will see
The beautiful gift I give to thee.
Its just what you've always wanted,
But couldn't quite find.
Go ahead,
Abide in your sufferings,
You're so blind to your own deceptions,
Sometimes it’s the only way to true victory.
I really want you to see what its all about.
I really want you to know how you're missing out.
Wake up, wake up.
Stop hitting your head against the wall.
Stand by Me,
Accept my law;
Stop trying to have it your way,
And you will see what you need to see;
Abide with Me & you will be truly free.
I Love You My Child
As a father watches over his child,
I watch over you.
I love and care for you.
I'm busy,
Thinking out the best ways for you to grow;
And how I can supply EVERYTHING you'll need.
My own child -
A miniature masterpiece.
You are the only you I've made,
I want you to turnout to be the best you can possibly be;
I want you to live beauty.
I'll give you all you need as you grow along -
There will be some rough spots -
You'll have to face life,
You'll have to make commitments,
You'll have to determine to go thru with it.
There are some things I just can't do for you,
My child,
But there is much, oh so, so much,
I can teach, show and help you with.
You will have to crucify yourself -
Determine to go thru with your commitment to life,
Your commitment to knowingly growing;
Dying to what you think you need,
Letting Me show you liberty.
It may hurt some,
Its hard to give up yourself,
But don't fear -
I'm right there inside of you,
Earnestly desiring that you be true.
I'm your Father,
I trust you,
I know you;
Go ahead,
Make that commitment real,
I know you can make it thru;
Or else I wouldn't have given this opportunity to you.
You're growing,
You're becoming mature!
I'm proud of you child,
You're coming along beautifully.
There is so much I want to discuss with you about life,
Tell Me,
What are you experiencing?
Maybe I can rejoice with you.
I'm glad you're here,
It wouldn't be the same without you,
I'm glad you are My child.
Free to Live
Being free is the only way to be,
Free from self, others, society,
Free in Jesus,
Free to face God & life
Honestly, sincerely, deeply, realistically, joyfully -
Free to be totally free -
To love, give, receive, believe,
And know that you know that you really know -
Free in reality.
Freedom - it isn't just another 7-letter word,
Freedom - it's a responsibility,
It's a verb.
So many claim it,
Too many shame it,
Don't blame it,
It’s a choice -
It’s the fools who abuse it that have the problem.
What are you going to do with it?
The only question,
How fully are you going to live it?
Trust Me
My child,
I care for you,
I love you,
I am always with you.
Fear not,
For I will see you thru.
It is dusk,
You are between dark & light,
Desperately looking,
Wanting a comfortable way out of your plight.
Seek Me instead.
I know the pain,
The torment,
That uncertainty brings, -
It hurts to see darkness abound,
Seek Me,
Call for Me,
I will show you the light,
The way that is all right,
Seek Me,
I won't let you down.
I see a path that's beautiful,
Where you can receive a golden crown.
Fear not,
For I have redeemed you,
I am the Lord your God,
I love you,
Trust Me.
My Son died for you,
Trust Me.
I won't hurt you,
Trust Me.
Seek Me, and I will come;
Rip down the wall of fear, worry & concern,
Cast them upon Me,
If it was by sight it wouldn't be by faith,
Trust Me,
I am with you,
And I've given you a few brothers and sisters
To help see you thru,
Trust Me, We will see you thru.
Trust Me.
A meditation on Ezekiel 16:3-14
Born unloved, uncared for, without compassion;
Hated, tossed out like trash; expected to die.
But you struggled to survive.
I passed by, saw you struggling in your birth blood,
And I declared into you, 'Live!'
Yes, I breathed into you that you must 'Live!'
'Live!' because I planted and established you;
'Live!' because life is worth the fight;
'Live!' because I make all things right;
'Live!' because of the power of My might;
'Live!' because you are going to be so much, 'dynamite!'
You lived, grew, blossomed.
I passed by again,
Saw your raw naked beauty, ready for intimacy;
I covenanted My life with thine, and you became Mine. All Mine.
I washed off your blood
Because your past is history –
Your birth never did matter to Me,
And never again should matter to thee.
I anointed you with oil,
Because you are precious treasure to Me;
Set apart, consecrated wholly holy to the love between you & Me.
I decked you out with the finest of EVERYTHING!
Your birth is reversed in your destiny with Me.
You ate the best, the most wonderful delicacies – My unimaginable perfections;
And became exceedingly beautiful,
Living My love for you.
You thrived! Succeeded!
Entered into the fullness of life;
Living royally, the life of a king in the courts of the heavenlies!
Your beauty blossomed through the splendor I bestowed on you,
This is what My covenant does for you.
'Live!' 'Give!'
Because you are so much 'dynamite!'
'Live!' in 'Giving!' the same life I gave to you!
'Live!' with the zeal that sees
Only loving fervently with a pure heart
Brings true life to others.
'Live!' in 'Giving!' the fullness royally,
That the splendor of your 'Giving!' intimately
Would spread your fame abundantly.
This is what living covenantially does for you.
Since you have purified your life
Through truly Spirit-formed obedience
Out of sincere love for the community
LOVE one another FERVENTLY
With your purified HEART.
1 Peter 1:22
Come Away My Bride
Come My Bride
To rivers of Life waters,
Trees of Spirit fruits,
Gifts of Love abounding.
Come away My Bride
To Garden prepared,
Experience My full Care.
No work here,
I've brought All Things near.
Come My Bride
To Sabbath Rest,
The double portion of Best.
Drop world's rags on the floor,
My bridal gown you'll Adore.
Knowing Me by Heart,
Your trust will never depart,
This Way this Day is Allways yours.
Come My Sabbath Bride.
Do not hide,
Your heart cries out – New Life Abide!
Let me inside.
You I'll Satisfy.
My Seed shall Thrive!
Come My Sabbath Bride.
Creation’s Glory Song
Once again,
In the stillness of the mountains –
Experiencing the world more like how You made it.
Unending beauty,
Pure delight,
It makes life feel,
Just right.
The trees as arrows,
Straight and true,
Pointing into a sky pure blue.
These tall sentries majestically call to all –
“Worship Him who is above all,
Creates all, maintains all, and fulfills all.
The camp fire’s joyful dance,
Unending ecstasy,
Peaceful exploding delight,
Energy released from deadness,
The mystery of the warmth of Divine Love,
Released from our deep wounds,
GLOWING into an intense penetrating radiant heat;
Transforming strong love
Prepares our lives,
A feast fit for the King of All Life.
Fire’s natural, beautiful, intense testimony
Of our life story.
Dancing heart goodness of God!
Sweet sleep soon comes,
With soothing background sounds –
Even in rest we are blessed.
The moon retreats and the Spirit sings –
“It’s time to get on your feet!
Go and see your Father’s Glory!”
I look to see,
The night sky’s pure beauty.
Down by the river I reach a meadow;
Ringed with trees,
And a tall, bright, majestic rock face
Echoes the river on its far side.
A song rises from deep within,
To join the symphony,
Creation’s Glory Song arising.
Stars sparkle elegantly,
Constellations whisper their story,
As comets streak the black expanse,
Punctuating the song brilliantly.
The river sliding and diving over rocks and trees
Babbles the steady melody.
I stand humbled at the privilege to put words to
The Creation’s Glory Song.
My heart weeps joy through trembling lips -
His praises echoing everywhere.
The darkness slowly fades,
First light shimmering on the horizon
Signals the distant wolves’ ecstatic howling crescendo;
Restoring the peaceful silence,
As I walk into the new day
Returning to my small part of the Work,
Growing and maintaining God’s Kingdom;
The expanding Garden of Eden relationship.
It's Time
It's time.
Die to the old
Awake to the new –
Become the new you,
That Christ in you aspires to.
Let every 'but' die –
It's not true; just a lie.
Let every reason fall aside,
Until it's just you
Before your God
Humble, but ready
To live love inside.
Seeing you have purified your lives
In obeying the truth
Through the Spirit
Unto sincere love of the brethren,
See that you love one another
With a pure heart
Radiating the white-hot heat of compassion;
With effective fervency.
2 Peter 1:22
Dying daily
On the cross of living
Complete love to others,
Because of God's infinite capacity
To resurrect you,
In ways that proclaim,
"I'm Alive!"
To those with a burning hunger for life.
This is our highest pleasure.
Say Good-Bye
Feelings rise again,
Strong, loud, soul-stirring-
Compliance demanded.
"Resistance is futile," they mock.
"I'm a part of you,
The very heart of you."
Resistance low,
You decide not to say "no".
Self-denial weary,
Hope visionless,
Strength sapped by busyness-
Spirit starved without revelation,
You say, "hello".
Dreaming of all that might be,
Shutting your thoughts to reality.
Expecting good now,
And happily ever after,
You give in, leading to sin.
Reason escapes, excuses gain ground.
Holiness battle lost, temptation won.
Excited expectantly you shun hesitancy.
But before you go thru that door,
Say good-bye to the things that will no longer be yours.
If you say 'hello' to the way you know
You should not go,
Not believing in right's value,
No longer caring about life,
Say good-bye to everything you hope for
Expecting to find on the other side of temptation's door,
There's nothing there.
It was all a lie.
Sinners' misery gets momentary relief
When someone joins their company,
Further proof that there is no purity.
Say good-bye to everything,
Say hello to nothing.
This is the bowl of soup
You sold your inheritance for.
Trumpets Blaring
Does the sun cry for you?
And the moon bleed too?
As you trudge thru your humanity,
Thru the morass of human tragedy,
Blood-drenched hands dripping,
Lost in the pitch black night…
What do we trumpet for?
Do we hear the call – surrender all –
God is here! God is here!
Does the blast of the trumpet sound long to your ear –
Growing louder and clearer;
Speak, God hears, His voice answers –
Live Sabbath salvation
Till Jubilee emancipation
Elevates you in full revelation.
Shout over your sacrifices in victory,
His anointing comes;
Night tears birth morning cheers –
The rallying cry of all creation,
Stand by God's side,
He fights for us,
He fights - for us!
God saves the anointed one,
His living spirit Bride.
With Eyes Wide Open
A foreigner, transplanted,
Politely says, ‘teach me’,
Transforming before me.
No longer content with the survival struggle;
Truth accepted, living God’s image;
Endlessly creating order from chaos beautifully,
Blossoming a Garden of God richly.
Did not these too simple words
Open your eyes too –
Read between the lines,
Sublime life,
Desperate spirit jailbreak
From the jungle of brokenness;
Clutching the hem of paradise,
Riding the Spirit wind to true life?
Are you also compelled,
To cast off your shoes –
God’s holy fire present,
As eternal life aspires?
Does only my heart kneel?
Awe trembling, honor bestowed,
Attendant to God’s child;
Alive, awake, alert, fullness yearning!
Does your heart resonate
With the vitality of the quest – ion?
Do awe and wonder dance within?
Tell me,
When a jewel of eternity stands before you,
What do you see?
I wrote this poem a while ago, playing off the different applications of the term "victim" in sacrifice, Passover, and our culture.
The Victim
Barely alive,
Bitter, bruised, battered, neglected,
Hurting beyond endurance,
Pain tortuously carves the shrieking, shriveling, shattered heart.
Worse than neglected, hated.
Attacked, turns back to icy stares.
Pretending not to care, isolated.
Loosing warmth, loneliness the only friend.
Eyes fade, shoulders slouch, head low,
Body reflects heart, the unloved desert.
Pain cry moans for an eternity,
Truth - enslaved humanity.
Nothing within could withstand such an attack.
Satan gloats. Victory gained. Egypt revisited.
People seeking foolishness despise loving -
Refusing to give what they crave to earn.
The price too high to pay -
Abandon the empty life,
Participate in life eternally.
It can't be done,
Another heart dies, sacrificed to vanity;
Egyptian tombs multiply.
Human history: anemic heart, cries, dies, bitterness thrives, love despised, a new slave master comes alive.
Victims multiply, creation cries,
'God, WHY???'
He sends rain.
Slowly, meticulously, abundantly.
Mountains move, pits fill, paths straighten.
Way prepared, another born.
Bruised, battered, neglected, hurt beyond endurance,
Worse than neglected, hated.
But heart thrives,
Declaring, 'God is alive!'
Attackers faced, radiates God's supply.
Life mirrors heart, the loved garden,
Sings liberties' joys.
Spirit moves,
Lawful man travels the land,
Truth works, reveals God's plan.
Awe builds, people consider,
Truth's Jubilee.
Satan rages, all coming undone! Israel established in Him.
Locating an empty heart, Satan schemes,
Innocent victim dies; vanity survives.
But this heart thrived to the last,
Refusing death,
Its God's Son,
God's love inside.
Victim resurrects, true heart multiples.
Egypt's tombs emptying,
God's love comes inside.
The Call goes far & wide,
To shattered, bitter, dead hearts everywhere,
"It's resurrection time. Let God live here!"
Satan works; people bruise, batter, neglect, hate,
But God inside makes heart thrive.
The crucified declare, 'God is alive!'
Truth flows inside out.
Offer heart, the perfect sacrifice.
Love's presence multiplies,
Living life eternally thrives.
Poetry as Touching
Poetry is analogous to the intimate touching of a couple. To the couple that loves each other as individuals, which wants the satisfaction of a unique emotional relationship, touching is essential, because it brings this special closeness. Touching is necessary, for it is the spontaneous physical expression of feelings - the stroking, snuggling and the enfolding with which all living creatures seek the warmth and reassurance that it is indistinguishable from life itself. To the couple in love, touching is a primary form of communication, a silent voice that avoids the pitfalls of words while expressing the feelings of the moment. This caressing is the language of love, being expressed to the highest degree physically; eliminating the necessity of constant talk, leaving the two in a precious state of unreserved heightened awareness of each other, as they strain to grasp the totalness of each other. It literally establishes a deep sense of solidarity between the two as it bridges the physical and emotional separateness we all experience. Touching gives the couple security, because it is a part of an intimate dialogue that is always present between the two. This ties them together as it becomes their deep emotional touching. Touching nourishes their pleasure of being alive as it satisfies the need we have of being desired as a physical presence.
However, society says, "Don't touch!", which ties into emotional touching. Society doesn't want this special closeness to life. It tunes down, or possibly turns off closeness, altogether. Poetry is an individual reaching out to life, touching it intimately, as he shows the intense emotional feeling he has experienced, which society shuns, bringing him closer to life as he realizes he can't live without it. He strokes, caresses, snuggles, and enfolds with life, exploring, discovering, rejoicing in its beauty, workability and totality. The poet, like the couple, doesn't need words in this intimate relationship with life, however, he, like the couple, must use words to express these feelings of solidarity, satisfying his need to be desired as an emotional being. The poet feels secure because of the reality he experiences in his ongoing intimate dialogue with life.
Yet society says, "Don't touch!", which pains the poet so, to see the rest of his body out of touch with its' partner. So, the poet constantly calls on society, pointing out how out of touch with life it is, calling on it to enter into an intimate emotional relationship.
I, a poet, feel this way. I think this can be considered a main meaning of "Touchstone." "Come, touch life, which is an immovable stone."
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
― Lao Tzu